The No-Men Governemnt Sub-Division

The No-Men are secret government sub-division agents who work most likely for the Department of Defense. Their top operative is Michelle Walsh who poses as a blogger.

Matters To Ponder . No-Men Files

They capture Kit and arrest him. They also keep secret alien typed activities from the public to avoid panic. The No Men have state of the art systems at their disposal. When Master Eubulon was vented he got knocked straight to Earth and the No Men froze him and placed him in crogenic suspension until Len's advent deck recharged him and revived him.

Michelle Walsh - No-Men Top Operative

Michelle Walsh, one of Way above Top Secret's most credible source and Maya's one time boss. She was responsible for Maya's termination from the blog. Later on in the series she is revealed to be an employee at the US Department of Defense Subdivision who used Lacey to steal information from Maya via her laptop and gets Kit arrested.

Michelle is a hard nose and can play dirty to get her stories, at any cost. Later on Lacey realized what she had done and tried to conceal the truth but later came clean and decided to help Maya, Trent and the good Kamen Riders to stop Xaviax. Michele works with an elite team of spies and government agents often refered to as the No-Men. They sprayed Kit with a sedative gas and lured him to a jail cell. They do not realize that Kit is on their side and is working to help protect them with the good riders, Maya, Trent and now Lacey.

Agent Trent Mosley - No-Men Top Scientific Advisor and Hacker

After Trent was faced with some difficult jail time he was made an offer to join the No-Men which he outright rejected. Seeing how silly that move was he rescinded the rejection and joined them,. He is now the top scientific adviser and hacker for the division and is called upon to decipher alien technology.