Kit Taylor/Kamen Rider Onyx

Originally it was thought that Kamen Rider Onyx, Adam, the original Kamen Rider Dragon Knight was the one who betrayed the original Kamen Riders to side with Xaviax. But Kit Taylor is the all new Kamen Rider Onyx with the power and skills needed to take on Xaviax after return from the void.

He has somewhat the same powers as Dragon Knight and in appearance is identical to Dragon Knight in weapons, armour and advent abilities only in full black form.

This rider initially came to Kit in dreams attacking him through mirrors and also, in these dreams vents Siren and Wing Knight. The Advent Master freed a vented Kit from the void. Eubulon also explained to Kit that because the bond with the contract beasts as so strong they often give nightmares but they can be controlled and even eliminated after time. 

Kit doesn't give Adam a chance and almost vents him but Eubulon urged Kit top give him the chance to explain himself. The Onyx power appears to be new and the final Kamen Rider powers that Eubulon created.